The first thing you need to do is make sure your website is listed everywhere possible. Sure, you put in on your letterhead, newsletters, business cards and in your advertising, but that’s just scratching the surface. Consider investing in little trinkets to give out to the public sporting, along with your company logo, your website. Pens, letter openers and bumper stickers are an inexpensive way to get the word out, or for a few more dollars you can go with baseball caps, coffee mugs or t-shirts.
Make a list of all the newspapers, trade publications and other media in your community. Try to get mentioned or reviewed in these publications. Many local newspapers run weekly business briefs free of charge, all you need to do is submit a write-up about your company. And don’t forget to include your website address.
Another inexpensive approach involves a visit to your local sign company. Have a magnetic sign with your company logo and website made and proudly display it on the side of your vehicle. You would be surprised by how many people will see this each and every day.
If you have the funds, perhaps you can sponsor a local youth sport team. Just imaging the exposure you will get from a dozen 12-year-olds running around the mall wearing their soccer shirts with your website planted on the front. Because remember, those kids will wear those shirts everywhere, not just to the games. And don’t forget to get one for yourself, because a mesh soccer shirt goes well with anything.
Article courtesy of Social Media Today
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