Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Capitalize on Pinterest

By Charlie Allred

As Lynn Pineda, a south Florida real estate professional said, “If you are in real estate and you are not on Pinterest, something’s wrong with you.” I couldn’t agree with this sentiment more. Lynn is one of the few REALTORS® capitalizing on the benefits of Pinterest to her real estate business.

When I speak with real estate professionals, most aren’t sure how to get more visitors to their website or blog. Usually, they’ve built a pretty website and now it’s just sitting with no visitors. The goal of a real estate website is lead generation. The main benefit of Pinterest is driving more traffic to your real estate website, so why aren’t more agents capitalizing on Pinterest?

Top 3 benefits to using Pinterest:
  1. Drive traffic to your website immediately.
  2. Traffic to your real estate website brings Google ranking organically.
  3. Grow your sphere fast by connecting with more potential clients.
Pinterest isn’t going anywhere; it’s one of the fastest growing websites. Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Twitter, and Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn combined. If you are looking for more traffic to your website, Pinterest is the place to be.

Personally, I have never had much success with Twitter, most likely because I’m not tweeting enough. With Pinterest, you don’t have to pin every minute of every day to get seen. Eighty percent of all pins are repinned versus approximately one percent of tweets that are retweeted. Pins have a long lifespan, more than 50 percent of pins happen 3.5 months after a pin is originally published. What other marketing tool keeps bringing visitors to your website for 3.5 months after you post?
According to NAR, there are 997,148 REALTORS®, as of May 2013. From my count, there are only 984 REALTORS® on Pinterest. With Pinterest driving so much traffic to websites, why aren’t more REALTORS® taking advantage of Pinterest?

Picture your typical real estate marketing brochure, it is all about real estate right? It has your photo, a photo of a house or a few houses and this type of advertisement is technically junk mail, right?
Pinterest allows the agent to showcase in one glance who they are and what they do to potential clients. That in itself is the most amazing marketing tool I have ever seen. Plus, you’re generating web traffic to your real estate website or blog. Pinterest is a win all around for real estate practitioners.

Charlie Allred a Phoenix based real estate broker with Secure Real Estate, and is the author of the upcoming book “Pinnable Real Estate: Pinterest for Real Estate Agents.” Learn more at her blog: www.PinnableRealEstate.com.

Article curated from Realtor Mag Blogs